
Monday, December 28, 2009

Naples Art Festival 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Naples Beach BeckoningImage by Breakthrunow via Flickr
Naples Daily News offered the following in a recent article: 
1. Have a positive attitude. It really can make a difference. Ask yourself, “How upset do I want to get over this, and for how long?” One strategy is to simply not let your thoughts dwell on things that pull you down. Focus, instead, on the joyous aspects of the season.
2. Set a holiday budget and stick with it. Nothing can raise holiday anxiety more quickly than the overspending that accompanies equating love with the cost of the gifts.
3. Take care of yourself. Get adequate sleep. Eat regular (and healthy) meals, and try to stick with your exercise routine. Plan pleasurable activities each day, and spend time with supportive people who care about you.
4. Let go of expectations for perfection. When you put your energies into trying to achieve the same perfection in meals, decorations, and gift wrapping that you see pictured in the magazines, it is easy to become so stressed that you lose the loving spirit of the season and the warm feelings that go with it.
5. Set aside differences. Even though family members might not live up to your expectations, try to accept them as they are. Set aside grievances until a more appropriate time for discussion.
6. Take responsibility for your words and your actions. Remember that the holiday season is really about love. Keep your communications positive, constructive, and kind. “I love you” and (when appropriate) “I’m sorry” are two of the most important phrases you can utter.
7. Reach out to others in need. If you are alone on a holiday, consider visiting someone in a hospital or nursing home who is also alone. The joy to be gained from such an experience often far overrides the blues you might be feeling before your visit.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Canada 3.0 2010

Canada 3.0 2010
Help make Canada the world leader in digital media. Join the Canada 3.0 Community and establish relationships with other visionaries, strategists, and entrepreneurs. Become part of the discussion today.
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Friday, November 13, 2009

Employers sidestep recruiters to tap social media - The Globe and Mail

AbsentiaImage by Breakthrunow via Flickr
Employers sidestep recruiters to tap social media - The Globe and Mail

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Evidence of Water Found in Moon Crater : Discovery News

Earth from the moon iPhone wallpaperImage by The Pug Father via Flickr
Evidence of Water Found in Moon Crater : Discovery News
The moon has water locked into its polar craters, a finding that raises the prospects that future space travelers could use lunar resources for air and fuel, a key step for eventual human settlements beyond Earth.
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News: PowerPoint Studies - Inside Higher Ed

Louis XIV visiting the  Académie des sciences ...Image via Wikipedia
News: PowerPoint Studies - Inside Higher Ed

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Social Media: What's Next? : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum

Image representing American Express as depicte...Image via CrunchBase
Social Media: What's Next? : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum
The rise of social media over the past few years has left several companies and platforms in a position to dictate the way in which we’ll use technology in the future. Between Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, there are hundreds of millions of users across what has become known as “the social web.” There are also countless start-ups looking to either be the next huge social platform or build a business by feeding into the ecosystem that the top players have created.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009


Neuroplasticity challenges the idea that brain...Image via Wikipedia
SAN FRANCISCO – Oct. 12, 2009 – Dr. Michael Merzenich, PhD – renowned neuroscientist, university professor, cochlear implant inventor, brain plasticity expert and tech entrepreneur – has been formally inducted in the Institute of Medicine (IOM) today in Washington, D.C. Also a member of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. Merzenich is one of a small group of scientists and doctors in the U.S. who have been selected for recognition by both institutions. IOM members are elected by their peers through a selective process that recognizes people who have made major contributions to the advancement of the medical sciences, health care, and public health.
Breakthrunow to inspire, collaborate, and sustain.
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